Belgian creed
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HUF 390
A series of Reformed creeds is set in motion by the Belgian creed, which is of paramount importance in our church history. Protestant theological thinking is an expression of a willingness to continually renew. Acknowledging the absolute authority of Scripture is, in effect, obedience to the Father, who reveals himself in the Word and addresses each individual today. The Spirit enlivens the letter, transforms it into the bread of life for us, the faith of the Church of Christ becomes personal faith. Reformed creeds profess again and again, in changing historical circumstances, faith in an unchanging and present God. Thus, some pieces in our series are not only for professionals who practice theology, but also for the reader who wants to be renewed and strengthened in his faith. "True faith, through hearing the Word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit in man, recreates man, makes him a new man, and even awakens in him the desire to live a new life and be freed from the bondage of sin. in their striving for a right and holy life, but on the contrary, without it no one could ever act out of love for God, but rather out of love for himself or fear of damnation. "
publisher | KOINÓNIA |
writer | Juhász Ágnes |
scope | 64 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 9789739890311 |
year of publication | 1998 |
binding | stapled |
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